To teach historical research to students in school or college, many things have to be kept in mind. The topic we are going to teach here is historical research, and that too reading independently, that is, allowing children to read independently.  Meaning that the role of the teacher in this will be that he should only guide the child like a guide and the teacher should not impose his thinking on the child’s thinking, he should allow the child to think and understand independently.So here teaching historical research means that here historical research is to be taught, so here two words come here, one is historical and the other is research.Historical – As the name suggests, it is related to history, so to read history, as we know from childhood that rewriting or speaking about past times or events is called history. So here, to study history, we have to explain or tell or teach the events that have happened in the past to the children and research is also involved here.Research means looking at anything, understanding it, asking questions about its important facts and trying out whatever facts are related to it and then assimilating it and then writing and preparing a concept.So here we have to teach historical research. To teach historical research to the children, we will take the children to some historical event. We will take the children to a historical place like Bhimbetka or Adamgarh (Madhya Pradesh) and there we will show the children the paintings of the primitive man period.  Children will be given a chance to see and understand them, children can touch them, smell them, their colors, their way of painting, they should get a chance to understand how old these things are.  We will explain to them on which occasions these paintings were made or whether the primitive humans were sad or happy while making such paintings, or in what mood they might have made them, like the picture of a hunter running after animals to hunt, all this.  How it was made, what kind of colors were used at that time. Natural colors like the colors of herbs or fruits or preparing green color by crushing leaves or by crushing flowers, then where did these colors come from and how would they have used them, whether those colors are still there.  ?  We should give them an opportunity to understand all these things and wherever possible, we should try to broaden their concepts and guide them.  Then we take them to a museum, where we find coins for the children to see and understand. This can be explained to the children by showing them the coins and let them try to understand which time period it is.  These are the coins and what is the quantity of metals in them and which metals were mixed in them at that time, i.e. whatever is the particular period in which these coins were made, such as the coins of the Gupta period in which the amount of gold was more, then the coins of the Satavahana period.  We have to understand the coins of the period in which glass coins have been found.  This will also give children information about which metals were found in that particular period and in what quantity, i.e. in abundance or in less quantity.  Based on the quantity of metals used in coins, the yield of metal at that time can also be estimated.  If less quantity was added then it means that at that time that metal was found in less quantity and was a very rare metal or the metal which was added in very large quantity was easily available.  Which metal was more useful, which metals were used to make utensils, which metals were used to make coins, children will get a chance to know all these things and they can do research on this.  So in this I have already said that here children have to be allowed to do their own research.Yes, we teachers will have to guide them in whatever doubts they may have and the teacher should not adopt a dominating attitude.  Teachers can’t do this.  You cannot stop them. Whatever the teacher wants to tell or explain to them, the children have to be allowed to reach that concept on their own. Yes, the teacher can guide them in that.  But don’t tell directly.  So in this way I think this could be a great way for a teacher to teach historical research.

How can you teach students to conduct historical research independently?

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